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There are three main ways to contribute to this project.

Any help would be very welcome!

Reporting Bugs

Reporting any bugs you may encounter is the simplest and most helpful thing you can do to help.

Simply head over to GitHub and follow the template to fill in the issue!

Giving Feedback

Our goal is to give you the bst experience possible. We can't do that if you don't tell us what you want, we can't so it!

Please take a minute to tell us what you want from The Notebook.

Writing an Article

The whole point of The Digital Notebook is that Students can share knowldege that should help make E-learning just a bit easier. If no one shares their knowledge, we wouldn't have a site!

When writing an article, you have two options. If you are not tech savvy in any way, you may write your article in a .odt format and sumbit it with all pictures in a .zip archive.

However, if you are somewhat tech savvy, we would certainly prefer you to use our html template. It's much easier than you think, and we've done all the hard parts for you. Also, when you use this method, you know what your page is going to look like, and you can easily ensure it's formatted the way you want.